Cooling Down This Summer

Cooling Down This Summer

When installing flooring around the swimming pool, there are not only aesthetic considerations to take into account. You also need to consider factors such as cost, lifespan, and safety.

We will share some information to ensure the safety, durability, and longevity of your structure.


How to choose the material?

Regular wood is the cheapest option upfront, but in the long run, the cost may be higher due to high maintenance requirements and regular repairs. This is different from the Sundi flooring, which has lower maintenance requirements. Achieve long-term durability with minimal maintenance requirements. Meet the following conditions:

Mold resistant

An above-ground swimming pool will come into contact with a lot of water, which is a breeding ground for mold. Choose mold-resistant Sundi flooring to reduce the required care and cleaning.

Rot, warp, and crack resistant

Over time, wood tends to rot, warp, and crack. Despite the higher initial investment, Sundi's flooring will save you time, money, and provide a safe and secure solution in the long run.

Match your house

The Sundi flooring series offers a variety of colors, including various shades of brown, red, and gray, which can match the colors of the environment, whether it's brick, wall cladding, or brick stone.


Using our Sundi's flooring, long-term maintenance is easy. All you need is simple regular soap and water cleaning or pressure washing, which can keep your flooring looking great all year round.

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